大道歌 1999年11月29日12:00:32 发表于长城论坛

  自从上次与拖后腿穿越铁矿峪-黄花城未遂后,一直对此段长城狂痴不已。并与长城小站聚会后,江山,火箭人等DX讲黄花城段长城更艰险更雄伟. 于是我们在一个有风的冬日去寻找。
  第一楼:Climb up the footpath on the northern side and enter the First Tower through one of its north-facing windows.
  第二楼:It is a short,steep climb to the Second Tower.
  第三楼:Parapets have fallen down,the wall drops in height before climbing to the Third Tower. This is a conventional shape-more of a quadrangle than an oblong-and is offset well to the north.
  第四楼(保存非常好): A gradual 200m climb takes us to the Fourth tower which is a three eyed structure with its central area open to the sky. It is quite standard in shape,and is in exceptionally good condition. The ramparts before and beyond the tower are also in excellent condition ( with parapets still standing and brick-work intact) as are its upper story battlements and loopholes. A wooden ladder in the tower gave access to the tower's top storey. Just outside the eastern door of the tower there is a flight of steps cut down into the ramparts and leading to a perfectly preserved granite archway. On the wall facing the archway is a gap which once housed a tablet.
  战台: Exiting the tower,the ramparts climb to a short steep section featuring small observation platforms in front of a large battle platform. This is like a roofless watchtower,asymmetrically offset to the north for observation and flanking fire. Within its parapets are two rows of loopholes,each topped with bricks of different designs. From the battle platform,the wall reaches the summit and then turns north to a tower which provides a fine place for views of the area.
  第一观全景点,此处可北望V字尖顶四眼楼(Gaping Jaw)及锯齿状城墙,东可望直叉蓝天的十八蹬,此处长城折向北蜿蜒..
  Looking north,you can see the distinctive shape of the section of the wall called Gaping Jaw. Looking east,the wall steaks up the Huanghua ridge towards the summit (十八蹬). Heading north,the ramparts lead to a well preserved,four eyed tower.
  到达另一四眼楼,此处可下城到山谷,但需穿行一个人承包之果园(牌上写Private Fruit Garden),需交过路费五两银子.
  About 100m downhill is another fine four eyed tower. Just before the tower there are steps down from the wall leading through an archway off the wall and down the gully. You now have two options. The shorter route is to leave by the southern door,exit the wall via the steps and archway,and head down the gully path to the valley floor. This is route is easy and reaches the valley by a small water pumping station.
  继续沿V字山脊向北冲击尖顶之敌楼,下得风化坡( Sawtooth Sloope ),继续向十八蹬冲击.
  Leave the tower by the north door and walk around the Gaping Jaw and its steep eastern limb-Sawtooth Slope. This option will appeal to those who enjoy a scramble as the Sawtooth Slope ( named for its zigzag profile) is an extrmely steep and slippery descent.It is possible to continue east along Huanghua Ridge(向十八蹬方向),but it's a steep,tough hike.
  倒霉的是风越来越劲,罡风吹得我们半边脸麻木,本人鼻涕随风飘逸,几束打在眼镜片上且成放射状. 甚至几次与拖后腿站立不稳,
  本能让我们不得不返祖,放弃了直立行走而改爬行. 但强烈西北风某些时候却助了我们前进的速度,且我们嘻称有此强风扶托,
  从十八蹬失手也不会坠城. 上行的路较比风化坡更有甚之,坡度也越来越大,树丛越来越密,向西北的城墙有不少向内坍塌,
  敌楼也越来越不完整. 其间几座敌楼可见长城协会任树垠及王虎在今年6月标注的海拔高度,
  由他们留下来的数据说明此段长城海拔在630-700M 左右.
  台阶只剩下半个脚宽可踩,一旦疏忽坠城就歇菜了. 这就应该是到了传说的十八蹬了吧,虽不是传说中的2M一个台阶,也不是单边墙,
  也不是象铁矿峪从山谷到山巅尽百米的落差,但其危险度是箭扣的大V比不上的. 考虑到风大,我们决定不去冒此危险,从城墙右侧岩石攀扶而上,拖后腿讲从岩石上坠落顶多摔断尾巴骨,但不至于丢命. 岩石凸起很多,且很涩,加上有树枝树根可抓(但有时不能100%相信它们),终于再次上得城来.
  上得城来以后,再前面的城墙坍塌得更严重,且敌楼也较比山下渐少. 此处是一绝好观全景点,西可望西水峪长城和龙泉峪长城,再往西是连绵的群山,长城就此打住;北可望一残破敌楼,是在最高处之山巅. 继续前行,从此处开始逐渐人际罕至,需要劈荆斩棘,且常要在城墙上行走,时刻要小心坠墙之危险. 长城越过一个山尖开始折向北蜿蜒,并直指北边最高山巅之残破敌楼,但其间长城极不明显,多数被荆棘草丛覆盖,且边墙多数坍塌. 我们挑选一至高处,借用望远镜东望,我靠!!可清晰可辩铁矿峪长城,连云岭长城,北京结,箭扣,有一部分可能属慕田峪但拿不准,连绵群山中的长城就象一条白色的巨龙,横亘着立体的辉煌!
  此惊诧要远胜于遥望古北口-望京楼,脚下有一种劲量小子来电的感觉,充斥全身的是暴走的冲动. 在风起的冬日我们总想去寻找,寻找在古老的长城上走一把的苍凉,咏颂一首无理的诗行. 我的昔日在长城,我的今日在长城!