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Official Name:ÍÅɽ02ºÅ·é»ð̨
Our Name:»³°²·é»ð̨95ºÅ / HuaiAnFengHuoTai95Hao
Other Name: /
Period:Ã÷ / Ming Dynasty 1368~1644
Location: ºÓ±±Ê¡,ÕżҿÚÊÐ,»³°²ÏØ,λÓÚ»³°²ÏØÍÅɽ´å±±200Ã׵ĸßɽÉÏ / HeBeiSheng,ZhangJiaKouShi,HuaiAnXian,WeiYuHuaiAnXianTuanShanCunBei200MiDeGaoShanShang
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Details:³¤³ÇÀà±ð£ºµ¥Ì彨Öþ ¾­Î³¸ß¶È£º¶«¾­£º114¡ã 20¡ä ±±Î³£º40¡ã 29¡ä º£°Î£º1312 ½¨ÖþÐÎʽ£ºÔ²ÐÎʵÐÄ·é»ð̨£¬ÔÚ·éìÝÄϲàÓжþ´Î¼ÓºñµÄºÛ¼££¬Ô­º»ÍĄ́ΪÍÁ£¬ÉÏÃæÓÐʯ¿éÊǺóÀ´¼Óºñʱ¼ÓÉÏ¡£·éìݲиß4.43Ã×,¶«Î÷Ϊ3.77Ã×£¬Äϱ±3.89Ãס¸Ã·é»ð̨ƽÃæ³ÊÔ²ÐΣ¬ÆÊÃæ³ÊÌÝÐΡ£¶ÀÁ¢ÓÐÍĄ́»ùԲ׶Ðκ»ÍÁ·é»ð̨¡£ ½¨Öþ·½Ïò:195¡ã ²ÄÁÏ£ºÍÁº»Öþ ¸½½üÒŴ棺·é»ð̨¾àÄÏÃæÍÅɽ´å01ºÅ·é»ð̨1400Ãס£
Type:·é»ð̨ Beacon Tower
Protection Level:Ê¡±£ ¡¡
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Distribution:visit location in Tianditu Map[recommend]
Distribution:visit location in Tencent QQ Map
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Distribution:visit location in Baidu Map
National ID:130728353201170102
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Picture: Click the thumbnail to view the Big Pic. Click the Big Pic to Hide the Big Pic
ÍÅɽ02ºÅ·é»ð̨     Caption:ÍÅɽ02ºÅ·é»ð̨
Photo Time:2007-09-15 15:48:43
Photo Contributor:ºÓ±±Ê¡ÎÄÎï¾Ö
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ÍÅɽ02ºÅ·é»ð̨     Caption:ÍÅɽ02ºÅ·é»ð̨
Photo Time:2007-09-15 15:49:38
Photo Contributor:ºÓ±±Ê¡ÎÄÎï¾Ö
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ÍÅɽ02ºÅ·é»ð̨     Caption:ÍÅɽ02ºÅ·é»ð̨
Photo Time:2007-09-15 15:50:14
Photo Contributor:ºÓ±±Ê¡ÎÄÎï¾Ö
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ÍÅɽ02ºÅ·é»ð̨     Caption:ÍÅɽ02ºÅ·é»ð̨
Photo Time:2007-09-15 15:50:44
Photo Contributor:ºÓ±±Ê¡ÎÄÎï¾Ö
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